The Realm of Umberöc
The realm of Umberöc is made up of five islands that lie a hundred miles to the east of the Northern Realms, in the Sea of Wrath. The most northerly of these islands, The Roost, is the main nesting ground of Norlandía’s red dragon population. At any one time there are hundreds of dragons all within a close proximity of each other – this inevitably leads to conflict. It is these altercations that keeps the wheels of Umberöc’s economy turning, Scavenger teams scour the rocks for whatever they can turning dragon parts into weapons, armour and potions.
Insignia: Dragon
Ruled By: Brueil Royal Family
Capital City: Dragonov
Other Cities: Traxenhal
The Roost
Villages/Towns: None
Ports: No Ports
Ruins: No Ruins
Resources: Armour
Scrolls & Potions